Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Merseyside Police Officer attacks disabled man

"On the 28th of July 2016 at around 1pm, PC Phillip Towers 8008 of St Anne Street Police Station Disruption Team, suddenly attacks a 7 stone disabled man outside Liverpool Crown Court.

This video is filmed seconds after the man was shoved in the chest, then violently grabbed and pushed to the floor, landing on his back and head.

The officer then jumped on the man 'Towering over him' on all fours.

The Officer 'PC Towers' was appearing in court at the time, and had been returning to court with two fellow officers; also witnesses in the case. They were returning from the shops after being told not to confer.

The case was as an Appeal at the Crown Court and the disabled mans friend was the Defendant in the case. She was appealing her conviction of a Public Order section 5 offence and for assaulting PC Towers and another officer from the disruption team. She maintains she is innocent and he assaulted her and has the evidence and witnesses, but was still found guilty again the following day.

The disabled man was arrested for a PO section 5 despite only talking to the officer a respectful distance away when the officer suddenly and wildly attacked!!

Is this Liverpool's most violent copper?

Did you witness this incident?

Do you know of any other similar incidents?

If so please contact or visit at Justice Watch on Facebook"

1 comment:

  1. This pig has attacked me before. He is a bully. I was filming him bullying a young man on an anti fur demonstration. He was pocking the man in the chest and screaming at him he was scum and to get a job. He was 18 years old and in College!

    When he noticed me filming he attacked me and tried to grab the phone off me, luckily for this nasty piece of shit when he violently attacked me the lens cap on the camera closed and the recording was not saved. This was in 2008. I regret not complaining at the time. I have witnesses but felt without video evidence I had no real case. I have however been telling everyone about him and will continue to expose this nasty bully.

    I managed to keep hold of the phone and he lost his balance when attacked me as he was so angry. He went to grab me and assault me again when an old lady who was passing challenged him and told him he had assaulted me. He got back into the small white van which he was in with his tailm between his legs. I think was bollocked by his companions in the back!

    This pig has no control over his anger and he should have been sacked years ago if the police were not so corrupt.

    He gets his kicks from attacking and bullying homeless people, his sergeant Gainor has no control over him and by all accounts is nearly as bad.

    Towers is a well known thug and bully. Homeless organisations have had to make complaints about him. He loves to terrorize vulnerable people.

    It bis my intention to have this man sacked and prosecuted for his violent abuse of vulnerable people.

    Mention his name to any homeless person and they will tell you stories of violent assaults and verbal abuse at the hands of this paid thug!
