Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Police Employees and Public Servants sacked, or charged or convicted of an offence 2009 to 2018

Here's the latest list of Police Employees and Public Servants sacked, or charged or convicted of an offence 2009 to 2018. Version 34.

LINK: Police Officers charged/convicted of an offence 2009 to 2018 Version 34


  1. Nice one woody ? V 34 keep up the good work.

  2. Good stuff.

    Despite the severity, even depravity of the alleged offence, why do police officers rarely get charged with "gross misconduct" (stackable) like I did for complaining and whistleblowing when working at a council. Are they somehow shielded from this?

  3. They are MASONS that's the protection !!

  4. A few errors in your list. Convictions not listed correctly

    1. I doubt that, but if there are wouldn't it be prudent to at least point them out, as well as using the latest version of the list (V35) and not this one?
