Friday, 6 March 2015

Merseyside Policewoman jailed for 22 months.

Merseyside WPC Helen Jones was today jailed for 22 months for Misconduct in public office, after seizing CCTV footage of Steven Gerrard as a 'tool to blackmail'. Jones obtained footage of a street bust up involving Gerrard, using her warrant card whilst on a 'career break'
The 32 year old from Chatham in Kent was jailed for her role in a blackmail plot to 'embarrass' Steven Gerrard. Jones had argued that she got hold of the CCTV for "philanthropic" reasons to help out a friend of a friend but that was rejected by judge Baker at a previous hearing where he said Jones acted for others out of "base motives", possibly as a lever to extort money and "embarrass" Gerrard.

Detective Chief Inspector Andy O’Connor, said Merseyside Police will not tolerate such criminal behaviour. This former officer let down her colleagues whom day in, day out, provide a professional and quality service to members of communities across Merseyside.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Video: Knowsley Council Budget meeting - 4th March 2015

The 'budget' meeting of Knowsley Council on 4th March 2015.

Items on the agenda include:

2- Corporate Plan 2013 - 2016: Year 2 Refresh.
3 - Robustness of estimates and adequacy of Financial reserves.
4 - Treasury Management strategy 2015/16.
5 - 2014/15 Revenue Budget Monitoring Position
6 - Medium Term Financial Strategy
7 - 2014/15 and Future years capital programme monitoring update
8 - 2015/16 Fees and charges
9 - 2015/16 Budget strategy - Phase 2 savings opitons
10 - 2015/16 Revenue Budget
11 - Council Tax levy 2015/16

Please note: I too, agree with filming of Council meetings, in line with the fact that the Council Building is a public building and therefore a Public place and there are no laws or legislation that explicitly prevents or prohibits filming in a Public place.