Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Police Employees and Public Servants sacked, or charged or convicted of an offence 2009 to 2021 - V40

The latest list of Police Employees and Public Servants sacked, charged or convicted of an offence 2009 to 2021, Version 40.

LINK: Police Officers dismissed/charged/convicted of an offence 2009 to 2021 Version 40


  1. And these our the people we put are Trust into, and they take an oath to serve and protect us.
    I've seen pages and pages of all the police and prison officers Raping women and children making indecent and distribution of child abuse images.. Absolutely Vile and disgusting !!!

  2. Their oath means nothing to them now.

  3. Hi, This is highly disturbing. I'm currently researching sex crimes and grooming involving children's for my parenting blog and I was wondering whether you would be so kind as to tell me how many of these crimes involve crimes committed against children. I did try and count for myself but have a 1 year old and kept loosing my place. Might I add your research is wonderful and anything I use I will be sure to give credit you. Thank you.

  4. Has anyone got a legal representatives number that deals With police brutality as I myself had my leg Broken by police and left without any care I wasn't arrested or nor did I do anything wrong ?

  5. Do they have any for Scotland areas

  6. The job selection representatives likewise should have the option to deal with a few unique customers on the double as a rule. click this link

  7. It's good to see that the police are being held accountable for their actions. Too often, we see police employees get away with misconduct and abuse of power. It's good to see that the justice system moonwalk rental is finally catching up with them.
